Archives for January 2020

OMG – 50 years of the Polar Bear Plunge into Semiahmoo Bay

White Rock Beach Celebrated 50 years of the Polar Bear Plunge into Semiahmoo Bay on January 1, 2020.

.The Polar Bear Plunge / Swim Photo Gallery.

These postcards were produced by ARTographer Ric Wallace. On December 20, 2018 the Storm of the Century battered the White Rock Beach waterfront breaking the pier into two, and an emergency air recuse was needed to lift a stranded man to safety at White Rock Beach, in BC, CANADA. No lives were lost in White Rock, but damage to the pier, boats, and waterfront was in the millions.

  • Framed 6"x 8"prints $225

  • 6"x 8"photo prints $20

  • 8.5"x 11"photo prints $30

  • 13" x 19" photo prints $80