
PowerPoint presentations designed to make you look great!

With Microsoft Office being a fixture on most computers, PowerPoint has become the industry standard for presentations. Most opt to use standard-issue templates, but why not give your presentation the “Ric Wallace Virtual Edge” over your competition.

PowerPoint Presentation Design Services

Let us improve your existing presentation or Ric Wallace can create a brand new custom design:
◾Edit text to enhance readability
◾Reformat slides for a more professional look
◾Modify color scheme for an updated appearance
◾Add custom background images
◾Custom template of your logo / company graphics
◾Add graphics / photographs / animated effects
◾Create custom graphics to support data
◾3D transitions and animated effects including logo
◾Original artwork / photography for backgrounds, charts, and illustrations
◾Table of contents and navigation
◾Custom photographs and movie clips
◾And more!

Screen captures from a PowerPoint Presentation created for St Joseph’s Health Centre in London, Ontario


Ric Wallace has created PowerPoint presentations from about a dozen slides or screens to produce a final presentation containing over 100 slides or screens. PowerPoint presentations can add visual support to your presentations or act as a stand alone looping slideshow. The only limit is your imagination.powerpoint-greenhills