ARTograpgher Ric Wallace is working on a line of greeting cards similar to the greeting cards with different borders and card design. This line of cards will be sold only through retailers. Retailers purchase outright and set their own selling price. If you would like to be considered to be a retailer, contact Ric Wallace to see some samples.

Old, torn and sometimes photos in two or more pieces can be restored to their original state or better. Ric Wallace does a high resolution scan from your original image and electronically uses a computer to do the retouching and corrections. High quality photographic prints can be obtained from the computer file. The computer file can be supplied on CD/ DVD, USB, or downloaded from the internet to ensure exact copies can be made for years to come, with no loss in quality like prints made from negatives which will degrade over time.
Below is our White Rock / South Surrey Greeting cards – Wildlife of Canada Coming soon!